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Spotkanie/lekcja z Prof. Paulem Liptzem | Lesson with Prof. Paul Liptz

lip 23, 2015 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

23 lipca o godzinie 20. spotka nas wspaniała niespodzianka:lekcja, którą poprowadzi dla nas Paul Liptz!

Professor Paul Liptz was born in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and attended the first multiracial university in the country. In May 1967 Israel sent a call to young Jews around the world for help; Paul arrived in Israel June, 4, 1967 – one day before the six day war. He decided to make Israel his home and began study at Hebrew University. Professor Liptz, a social historian, is on the faculty of Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem, has taught for more than three decades at Tel Aviv University, is Director of Education at the Saltz International Education Center, and has lectured and conducted workshops all over the world. His expertise is in modern Jewish history, Israeli society, and politics of the Middle East. 

“I arrived in Israel on June 4, 1967 – one day before the Six Day War. From that day until the present there have been several wars between Israel and its neighbors as well as turbulent events in the wider Middle Eastern region. I was involved in the 1982 Lebanon War as a soldier and, for almost 15 years, in the Education Corps reserves unit lecturing officers and dealing with complex and sensitive issues related to Israel and the Jewish people. To live in Israel is to be part of a dramatic though sometimes frightening drama.”  

–Professor Liptz

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23 lipca, godz. 20. Biuro, ul. Dajwór 14/16


lip 23, 2015
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Beit Kraków
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Dajwór 14/16
Dajwór 14/16
Kraków, Poland
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