[Allerhand Advocacy]: Our Institute’s Public Interest Law Group embarked on the recent occurrences with turning the Kraków Chewra Thilim Prayer House – a historic building and former religious site – into a discotheque. This involvement follows our President’s open letter pertaining the incident. The letter was published in today’s „Dziennik Polski”. English version of the article is available here: http://pl.scribd.com/doc/142723743/Radwan-Non-Possumus-en-21-05-2013-final-En . Original offprint (PDF) in Polish is posted below. Online version may be viewed here:http://www.dziennikpolski24.pl/pl/aktualnosci/kultura/1274718-non-possumus.html . Legal steps by the Institute shall aim at establishing – by means of remedies under the 2001 Act on the Access to Public Information – whether all administrative requirements have been observed and if the historic value of the polychromes is adequately protected.
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