Szczegóły w kalendarzu.
Do zobaczenia w Beit Kraków!
The upcoming days in Beit Kraków, abundant in various events and blessings, are interwoven yet again with many underlying themes, such as: taking upon oneself the mitzvot, receiving the Torah oraz nightly visits in Synagogues.
First and foremost to celebrate Shavuot we wish to invite you to traditional nightly studying Tikkun Leyl Shavuot which we will start in Galeria Shalom on Tuesday at 9.30 pm. We will continue with many of our discussions about mitzvot, halachot, listen to musical lesson „Havdalah – Women’s Time”, study the Zohar and go for our traditional walk around Kazimierz by night.
On Friday, during Kabbalat Shabbat we will officiallywelcome in Beit Kraków, six new members of Beit Israel. We know that their path and their work is only beginning and that they will continue to prove their commitment to the Jewish people by accepting the responsibility for the presence and the future of the Jewish revival in Poland.
This feels like a good opportunity also to thank Rabbi Jackie Tabick and the European Beit Din for such good cooperation last week. Big thanks also to Jonathan Ornstein (and the whole JCC staff) and Joachim Russek(from the Center of Jewish Culture in Krakow) for hosting our European guests with dignity and care.
We will continue such well commenced Shabbat with a very special morning service, during which Zach will be called to the Toarh as Bar Mitzvah. It is an incredibly special moment for us, as with great joy and pride we share this moment with Zach’s family, which also happens to be the first Bar Mitzvah of Beit Krakow and a first progressive Bar Mitzvah of a local citizen for generations.
(And if you would like to be part of this event please make sure you let us know at kontakt@beitkrakow.org. Due to many expected guests and limited space we require all interested parties to make prior reservations.)
Last but not least, having said farewell to Shabbat, we will go out into the night as part of the annual 7@nite, Night of Synagogues, during which Beit Krakow has also prepared a few events, such as the opening of our contemporary poster exhibit in the Galicia Jewish Museum at 11.15 pm and Rabbi Tanya’s lecture in the JCC at 00.30. Details in our calendar!
See you in Beit Kraków!